Thursday, July 31, 2008

deal or no deal

they say the greatest inspirations come from the toilet, and i think i just had one while i was pooping.

your journey with God is sometimes like the gameshow deal or no deal. there's a box next to you that possibly contains 250,000 bozingos, and you choose some boxes to open, and then the dealer comes and offers you a choice of settling for less, or risk getting even lesser if you unfortunately open a case containing $$$250,000.

so in life sometimes it's like that. all you hear is the gruelling silence when you consult God on an opinion, and you wonder if you just missed what he said. So a bad habit i've developed over the years is to choose the lesser option. I just settle for whatever train that comes, thinking well at least this train came.

Then you hear stories like Joseph (with the technicolor coat), where God seems to go as opposite as you can go with what he envisioned his life to be like. and after being backstabbed, shipped out, backstabbed again, jailed over many decades, he finally became prime minister and lived his vision.

I also recently read about Walter Ciszek and i really admire him for staying true to his beliefs despite his "Josephian" life story..

and the funniest thing is that we KNOW the $$$$$250,000 is in our box (though not necessarily in cash), we still choose to settle for less. thankfully we get to choose to come back into the game.

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