Friday, September 21, 2007

this week just started to look up

yo guys! i actually wanted to write in yesterday but i was too shacked out..

yesterday was the end of my first week in central band, and also the last day of my stay-in (whoopie!). i guess it's also the end of the traumatic experience for andrew and richard, my dear bunk-mates, with all my sleep-talking and dead-loggedness type of sleeping. my heart goes out to you guys.

i just passed my driving lesson 3 today morning as well. mr rafael closed one and a half eyes to my plank course, which i cleared successfully only twice out of maybe 10 tries? anyway i'm very thankful that i passed. i prayed really hard that i'll pass. i didn't want to waste any more money on too many lessons because i took 5 lessons to pass my lesson 1.. that was really discouraging, and i nearly wanted to abandon learning riding altogether after spending about $200. those few weeks, plus some other things, made this august the worst month of 2007 for me.. so far. haha just kidding about the 'so far'. couldn't resist quoting homer..

everyone can despair, so what good are we doing by adding to the numbers of sad and cynical people in this world?

going for frontline now.. have a great weekend guys!

P/S: lelong! lelong! i'm selling my 1-week old samsung hp charger (it works only for the older phones.. it doesn't work for the new line of samsung-beyonce type of phones.. my samsung colour phone's dying so once i sell this charger i'll get a new phone.. going only for $15!!

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