Friday, September 7, 2007

the chicken

hey guys here's a nice and happy (and wicked on drums bass and keyboards) tune, the funky chicken. wicked drums to make ur day..

finally got a nice sound out of my new snare drum. been reading prof. sound for months and months but when i finally got the drum his method didn't work! but i guess it's to each drum its own. i tuned the top to be as tight as the canopus at the loft, and the bottom to be 4 semitones higher.. prof sound said that to get the pop top 40 sound i should tune the bottom skin 3 notes higher.. maybe he meant tones. but still my drum doesn't project very well. although there's the 'png!' in it, it still sounds kinda constricted. maybe it's the skin? martin (the seller) gave me a dw stock batter head.. maybe i should try something else.. any recommendations anyone?

my bro's camera is down so i can't put up pictures at the moment.

ok gotta go for ocs commissioning parade now. till the next time..

frodo: (Gollum) deserves death!
gandalf: Deserves it! I daresay he does. Many that live deserve death. And some that die deserve life. Can you give it to them? Then do not be too eager to deal out death in judgement.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

RUI GUAN! Hey dude, nice quote you got there from LOTR. Good job for OCS- probably your last parade ?! Maybe. Anyways, don't stress at central band yeah? I'll be seeing you in camp. Cheers!