or are our opinions so right and important that we should rally as many as possible to our own sides by presenting them in the most fanciful and palatable manner possible?
but if we were to not care about ourselves, and go over to the other extreme of being ALL outward-looking and not inward-looking at all, would we be a cardhouse counting down the seconds to a monster kill?
but then again, just like marxism, democracy, and many other ideal communities (which i don't know of), don't we all find equilibrium at where we fall short (to varying degrees) in the process of reaching for the ideal? or even if 99% of us try to look out for each other more than we do ourselves, there'd be the 1% that exploits the majority and whips us with our own stupid belief in idealism.
for those who are thinking, why the fog are you thinking so much for? just tell the world about yourself man, the good things that's happened to you, the wonderful things you've seen, it may bring a smile upon someone's face; it may whisper (or shout) to someone in the dark loneliness: you're not alone! i quite agree with you.
i hope this is not boring you. i've been thinking for 2 years if there's a right or wrong, other than God's spoken words in the old and new testament.

chanced upon it when i ran out of harry potter's to read and when they stopped screening the order of the phoenix -___-
i think, at least it's better than pointing your zildjian drumsticks made of hickory and cock hair at people and avada kedavra-ing people, right deon?
On the softness of her laugh,
I could almost make my bed
But the racket of her absence joined
The sirens blaring ringing in my head
+ Copeland
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