This is about the old trishaw uncle who was ridiculed and cheated of his money.
Original Footage
Interview part 1
Interview part 2
Ok. I admit the interview does make him look abit angelic and pitiful, but that's tv for you. I also admit that the replies and responses of some people are somewhat violent and ungracious. I was one of them and it's the only natural reaction. So to those who want to use that to turn the tables around, don't tell me if you got raped one day, you're not gonna react violently, verbally and physically, when you find the rapist.
Anyway what has happened is set in stone. They took a ride, made fun of the old man because he's slow, they refused to pay, they thought(maybe they still do think) it's funny, and they posted it.
There is no excuse for what they did. It is obviously a result of them thinking that they are caucasians, and hence they can do anything. Doesn't matter if they are drunk or not. If they were, and regret what they did, they would have apologized, instead of parading their unethical behaviour.
I have read some pretty ridiculous responses to the situation (you can see one for yourself, here. i'm audioman there)
Please, I urge us as Singaporeans and Asians to stand up for ourselves. Nobody can shut us up. Not that we should make unnecessary hooha out of nothing, but we will not rest until our case is heard, and heeded. I'm encouraged by how the old man took it peacefully (I can't do it), and all who stood up for our own people. Especially Laurette from expat@large's blog. I've read some posts slamming the uncle. It disgusts me still just to think about it.
The issue is now pretty much resolved. But if ever anything like this should happen again, let nothing (read: N-O-T-H-I-N-G) dull our senses so much so that we think it's just a passing breeze.
P/S: sorry this came so late. I only heard it from kevin yesterday. I couldn't stop reading and writing about it. Been at it since 2am.

P/S: I hope nobody's extremist enough to execute their own 'justice' by imitating the Finland shootout guy or CPL Dave Teo.. We're smarter than that.
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