Friday, October 5, 2007


Hi dear readers..

Once again, the week flew very quickly. I hope ORD comes soon, but not too soon at the same time because I don't think I don't think I'm gonna do music like I do now and get paid (a measley sum) for doing that.

I've been thinking about it lately, and I think that how you perform, and your general behaviour and thinking habits are very much determined by the culture you are in. Why do I say this? I started wondering about why there are so many pro drummers from Victoria School. First there's Ramu, then there's michael liang hong christopher and of course jonathan. Could it be that Ramu started a culture of asking yourself for more, and not being content with yourself? Back in Maris Stella, we rarely cared about learning new rudiments and cool chops, and we were very easily contented/impressed with ourselves. I wish I could go back to Sec 1 and start woodshedding from then, and also be a better section leader to the percussionists.

Anyway, maybe that's why everybody says the music scene is dead in Singapore. I hope I can take the 'S' train on time and lest I be left behind with all the critics and naysayers.. Already I feel the train has reached the next station. hahah..

I failed my motorbike prac 5 just yesterday. So demoralizing man. I thought everything was going fine, until I came to the plank where I fell to the deep hollow in my wallet. Good thing i accumulated 22 points. If I had met the < 18 points requirement, and got an immediate failure for the plank I'd be hopping mad. Can't wait to pass sooner so I don't have to waste any more money and I can finally not be dripping wet when falling in for first muster.

gtg now.. have a great weekend guys and girls

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