Anyway, thanks for tuning in to my monthly blog entry *throws confetti* I think i should write less, but more frequently so I won't be so scared of blogging. haha
I recall a recent post (of mine) and a string of retorts on youtube regarding the rickshaw uncle getting bullied, I find a stark similarity in tone and content with the pro-China, who are mostly China-ese, protests. And it scared me. I guess the spirit of Bruce Lee and no-more-sick-Asian attitude flows in our veins because of our upbringing (and genetic make-up?). It'd do us all some good if everyone would just keep their cool and speak rationally.
Anyway I'll try to "happen-ize" my blog with some pictures!
ok. one picture. haha don't really have many good pics to post. This was taken at my bro's graduation earlier this month. Well, what can i say.. Babes abound at SIM!
note: can somebody tell me how to put pics as it is on blogger so you don't have to click on a minuscule thumbnail to see a giamongus picture? like a 4R, or facebook photo kinda size would be great.. pls let me know! thanks!