Sunday, February 24, 2008

quarter life crisis

greetings .\\//

according to wikipedia:

Characteristics of quarter-life crisis may include:

  • feeling "not good enough" because one can't find a job that is at one's academic/intellectual level
  • frustration with relationships, the working world, and finding a suitable job or career
  • confusion of identity
  • insecurity regarding the near future
  • insecurity concerning long-term plans, life goals
  • insecurity regarding present accomplishments
  • re-evaluation of close interpersonal relationships
  • disappointment with one's job
  • nostalgia for university, college, high school or elementary school life
  • tendency to hold stronger opinions
  • boredom with social interactions
  • loss of closeness to high school and college friends
  • financially-rooted stress (overwhelming college loans, unanticipatedly high cost of living, etc.)
  • loneliness
  • desire to have children
  • a sense that everyone is, somehow, doing better than you
i bolded those that "symptoms" that i currently feel.. Well I guess everybody feels this at some time or another. I'm glad SSDC and SAF and making some stupid decisions has taught me to just forget the past and move on..

BUT nevertheless God has still been wonderful to me.. allowing me to even take another breath, choosing to cover my sins at his own expense so I can one day stand in His presence..

I spent a bomb this past week on some CDs like boys like girls and jack johnson, but tts alright cause nothing beats celebrating original music..

cheemness for the week:

'Twas much, that man was made like God before,
But that God should be made like man, much more
-John Donne

Sunday, February 10, 2008

late post.... again

yea boys.. that's right. i got that close. haha that's jon foreman, the frontman from Switchfoot. sorry for the late post.. the concert was AMAZING. the band was tight, the delivered the songs packed with more punch and emotions than you can ever get out of a compact disc. You can check out the rest of the pictures i took on my facebook albums. Nigel, Justin and Caleb also have some awesome pictures.

Now I love _EVERY_ song by them, including the ones i didn't use to dig a lot like awakening and learning to breathe (that's my #1 favourite now). It was like a spiritual (for lack of a correct word) experience man.. I believe every kid in the arena took a piece of good influence home to keep a long long time.

ok peace out everyone trust y'all had a good and long weekend, now our next destination.. to monday, and beyond!